Upon waking in the morning:
Think and Feel what you are manifesting
Be Grateful for another day
Drink 2 glasses of lemon water upon waking up
Get a Magnesium supplement into your diet: Transdermal is the best delivery. Please check out my Organic Magnesium Body Products on this site.
Priming Exercise with Tony Robbins (You Tube)
Exercise - walking, running, gym, cardio, yoga, hiking, etc.
Dancing - www.kinrgy.com - This is Julianne Hough from Dancing with the Stars online dance classes. Her dance team teaches cardio, emotional release and channeling the 4 Directions.
Yoga & Meditation
Breathe Exercises - Pranayama & Heart Centered Breathing
Healthy Breakfast - After sleeping all night you are breaking your fast. “Break Fast.” The first thing you eat in the morning is very important.
Earthing - Get your bare feet on the Earth or get an Grounding Mat to sleep on:
This practice will reduce inflammation in your body which is the root of all illnesses.
Here is the founder of the Earthing Mat’s website:
Sunshine - 20 min. Minimum daily
Stay in the present moment
Sing happy songs